Dear Big B Files Readers,
You may have noticed that there has been no commentaries the past few months nor comments showing up on the Big B Files, and I apologize for that . . . but there is a good reason, so let me explain.
In August 2011, my computer developed an issue to where I could not access the D Drive, which contains the files for the Big B Files and other websites, etc. and the problem was due to the motherboard. This includes the file that had all the password and user information involving a number of online thing, including the username and password I need to access the account to moderate comments and update past commentaries.
On September 5th . . . .Toshiba, which makes my computer, gave me an offer to replace my computer with a brand new one . . . which I accepted. I was able to get the D Hard Drive from the old laptop (which is still good). I have prices for what it will cost me to have the files transferred from the old hard Drive to my new laptop, and I hope to have that operation performed sometime in the Middle of November and begin posting (which gives me a good deal of flexibility in posting) and moderating comments submitted to the Big B Files commentaries via the interface, but will be able to post commentaries via email in the meantime. So, please be patient with me in the meantime as I work on getting things back to normal and above all . . . .KEEP THOSE COMMENTS COMING! Believe me when I tell you, the comments and feedback is greatly appreciated and welcomed.
Sincerely Yours,
Mr. Bryan V. Hewing
Big B Files Creator and Commentator