The St. Louis Tea Party and the Tea Party Movement across the Nation is the subject of this Big B File.
Wednesday evening, I attended the Tea Party at Keiner Plaza in St. Louis, MO . . . which according to US. Park Rangers estimates, attracted around 10,000 people including myself. When you look at the pictures to the right and below, you will see that people kept coming after the event got started. It was a grassroots movement . . .it was not just a group of people of one race, creed, ethnicity, or political party, but instead it was a grassroots movement of people of many races, creeds, ethnicities, and political parties…all there at this rally to say that they have had enough and are not going to take it anymore.
Contrary to what the Ancient Media says, the movement was started and all the Tea Parties to date have been organized not by organized groups, but by individuals. In the case of the St. Louis Tea Party, the movement and the rally were organized by two individuals, Mr. Bill Hennessy and Ms. Dana Loesch. Bill manages software applications for several Fortune 500 clients, primarily in the financial fields. He has more than 15 years experience as a technologist and manager (courtesy of Bill Hennesy's website). Dana Loesch blogs at and hosts her own radio show, The Dana Show, on KFTK 97.1 FM Talk. She has written for corporate parenting communities and major-market publications such as St. Louis Magazine, The Riverfront Times, and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. She has won numerous awards and honors and is a guest columnist for a number of publications (courtesy of Dana's website, The whole movement can trace its roots . .or inspiration, if you will . . .to this on air rant by CNBC Chicago Mercantile reporter Rick Santelli on CNBC's "Squawk Box" back on February 19th.
I watched the Ancient Media to how see how they covered the St. Louis Tea Party. Among the national media outlets, Fox News Channel was the most fair. The Others . . . .on the other hand . . . were not even trying anything close at being objective when it came to being objective and fair in their reporting. Just look at how they attacked the tea parties and Fox News Channel, who is beating them in the ratings according the Neilson Media Research.
As Far as St. Louis TV Stations, KMOV was mostly fair in their news story . . . the video portion (click here to see it), even though the lone protestor they was referring to was actually Jamie Allman who is the morning talk show host at 97.1 FM Talk in St. Louis in disguise as a far-left protester (commonly referred to by some people as a "moonbat"). If you go to KMOV's Website, they are portraying it as a conservative organized event, which as the Big B Files said before it was not. Allman also pulled a good one on KSDK, which after watching the story they did, they even more biased in against the tea party attendees than KMOV was and were following the same line as their national network counterparts.
The coverage was pretty fair overall for KTVI and KPLR…which are basically one news operation…even though they drew the ire of the speakers and the crowd for a story Charles Jaco did for Fox 2 that contained numerous factual errors and the Big B Files is very disappointed in Mr. Jaco for this story. After the protest, the Fox 2 News Director apologized over the episode (courtesy of the St. Louis Tea Party website) [aa and ( ) are for grammatical corrections].
* KTVI Fox 2 News Director (Audrey Prywitch): "You deserve major kudos! That's the most people I've ever seen in Kiener Plaza, except, maybe, before a Cardinal's World Series game."
Congratulations to each of you. Those who want to substitute their judgment for yours and your money for their IOUs noticed; they're breaking their necks trying so hard to look the other way!
More on KTVI
That news director explained that the Jaco piece contained factual errors. They apologized on the 10:00 news last night. His tone was sincere. He(She) also apologized to all of you for bumping the Tea Party story at 9:00. He(She) explained that the director was faced with a terrible fire story that included a fatality. He(She) said that bumping our story was a mistake, and apologized.
When challenged that his(her) station committed two major errors that hurt our Tea Party in 3 days, He(She) acknowledged that the appearance was bad. "I have told my people that. We made a series of bad decisions, and the people responsible are paying consequences. Mr. Jaco is aware of the seriousness of his mistake."
KTVI has aired (or will have after tonight) 22 stories on this tea party. While one of those stories was terribly inaccurate and defamatory, the manager's apology seems sincere. Let's thank him(her) for his her honesty and move on.
Courtesy of
There were a number of people with signs there at the St. Louis Tea Party, with one equating President Barak Obama as a Communist and others were referring to him as a socialist as a result of his policies. The Big B Files says that Communist is going over the line while Socialist is not too far of a stretch, while it would be more appropriate for the Socialist term to be applied to President Barak Obama's policies instead of Obama himself.
There was one person in particular who was wearing a couple of signs who got my attention. Nellya Ivanchuk, who lives in downtown St. Louis, MO. She immigrated from Russia 17 years ago in 1992 . . . what was then the former Soviet Union and she left there when it was under communism and came to this country because of all the freedoms that we in this country enjoy. It was all those freedoms that attracted her to come here for a better life and she is now afraid of what might happen here in the next few years. She is more of an American than those of us who were born here are.
This tea party movement has shocked people in government, the Ancient media, and even talk show hosts like Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham and others. The tea parties were started by average citizens…not Special interests, political parties, liberal or conservative groups…nor anyone connected to those groups as the Ancient Media likes to proclaim constantly a month later.
In the case if St Louis Tea Party, it was started by two individuals, one of whom who just happens to host a radio talk show. Average citizens just wanting to put in their two cents worth in to take full advantage of their right to petition the government for a redress of grievances, and that is this movement is . . .people whom are exercising their first amendment rights. This should be looked upon as a resounding, powerful, and positive testament of the constitution in this country at work. As the founding fathers said, "The government of the people, by the people and for the people". Without this, there is no way our beloved country can stand for long.
The Tea Party movement should be looked at as an example of what is right about the United States of America and why . . as Sean Hannity well put it, "this is the greatest nation on God's green Earth" . . . and why so many people like Nellya Ivanchuk, want to come here to the good ole USA.
And that is the Big B Files. Click on the comments link below and tell me what you think . . . I'm Bryan Hewing.