Various MO State races & STL Co. Ballot measures in the August 2022 Missouri Primary

The various MO State races and the St Louis County Ballot measures on the ballot in the August 2nd 2022 Missouri Primary is the subject of this Big B File.

I have been asked by a few friends of mine for my recommendations on candidates running for various offices at the local, state, and federal levels and some about measures that are on the ballot here in St Louis County in the August 2nd Primary Election here in Missouri. I will first address the proposed measures to amend the St Louis County Charter that are on the ballot in the August Primary.

The first Charter Amendment ballot measure that I will address is St Louis County Charter Amendment Proposition A.. St Louis County Charter Amendment Proposition A ballot summary language reads like this:

“Shall the Charter of St. Louis County be amended to permit employees to discuss the internal operations of St. Louis County which an employee reasonably believes amounts to mismanagement with the media, other parties or individuals; and prohibit disciplinary action from being taken against certain St. Louis County employees as a result of said employee making any such disclosures about County operations, including but not limited to the reporting instances of mismanagement, conflicts of interest, unlawful discrimination, specific dangers to public health and safety, and violations of any law, rule, policy or regulation, as set forth in Exhibit A of Ordinance No. 28,452, on file with the St. Louis County Administrative Director and the St. Louis County Board of Election Commissioners?”

St Louis County Charter Amendment Proposition A is pretty much being referred to in most places…including in the Ancient Media… “The Whistleblower” Charter Amendment.  What this St Louis County Charter Amendment Proposition A would do is basically say that if a St. Louis County employee knows there is any wrongdoing, mismanagement, and/or illegality going on within St. Louis County Government that they can go to the media (New Media and/or Ancient Media [MSM]) and/or the County Council, Missouri Attorney General,  etc. without any fear of retaliation of any kind whatsoever. It would establish in the St. Louis County Charter an official and legally binding No Retaliation policy that most businesses and organizations have had for years. These kind of whistleblower statutes have been law at the state and federal levels for many years now and the Big B Files recommendation is to vote yes on St Louis County Charter Amendment Proposition A.

The next ballot measure that I will address is St. Louis County Charter Amendment Proposition M. St Louis County Charter Amendment Proposition M ballot summary language reads like this:

“Shall the Charter of St. Louis County be amended to create a Council Compensation Commission as set forth in Exhibit A of Ordinance No. 28,420, on file with the St. Louis County Administrative Director and the St. Louis County Board of Election Commissioners?”

I have to admit that the first few times…..okay, okay, first several times.. that I read the summary also known as fair ballot language I was not able to figure out what about major would do and apparently I'm far from the only one that had that issue with the number of people commenting on social media asking members of the County Council to tell them basically what does this mean. It wasn't until I went to the website for the St Louis County Board of Elections that I was able to read the actual proposed Charter Amendment and get a better understanding.. not to mention a bit of research online as well.

Here is basically what the St Louis County Charter Amendment Proposition M, if passed, would do in a nutshell. It would set up a County Council Compensation Commission in St Louis County that would determine the amount pay and compensation for members of the County Council on an annual basis similar to the Missouri Citizens' Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials, which currently determines the salaries and compensation for state officials, general assembly members and judges. Much of this is done for other public officials and County employees by the office of personnel for St Louis County currently. The proposed commission members would be appointed by the County Board and receive compensation for certain expenses only with no salary for the performance of their duties whatsoever.

St Louis County Charter Amendment Proposition M only covers members of the County Council and nobody else, which is not a good use of taxpayer dollars at this point in time. It would be a better thing just keep it current where the County Council votes on whether be subject of pay and compensation let the voters sound off on whether that was a good decision or not in the next election. There is one good provision in this proposed amendment that I think should be by itself which basically says that if a member of the County Council misses more than four consecutive meetings that they can be removed from their seat as a result of forfeiting their office by such actions. Other than that one provision, the Big B Files recommendation is to vote no on St Louis County Charter Amendment Proposition M.

The next ballot measure that I will address is St. Louis County Charter Amendment Proposition V. St Louis County Proposition V ballot summary language reads like this:

“Shall the Charter of St. Louis County be amended to require that, effective January 10, 2023, no individual appointed by the county executive to fill a vacancy of an appointive office, department, or membership on a board or commission shall assume the appointive role, except by a merit employee in an acting director capacity, until the completion of the confirmation process and the county council shall: 1. vote to confirm the appointment within thirty (30) days of receipt of the communication of the county executive's appointment, 2. affirmatively vote to deny confirmation of the appointee within thirty (30) days from the notice of appointment at which time the appointment shall be subject to a new appointment process, or 3. neither confirm nor deny such appointment within the thirty (30) days from notice of appointment at which time the county council's opportunity for confirmation or denial shall be considered lapsed and the appointment shall be deemed confirmed, as set forth in Exhibit A of Ordinance No. 28,453, on file with the St. Louis County Administrative Director and the St. Louis County Board of Election Commissioners?”

St Louis County Charter Amendment Proposition V is designed to put some real teeth into the St Louis County Charter regarding the appointment process and what the County Executive can and cannot do in this area. This Charter Amendment proposition is a direct result of the actions that County Executive Comrade Sam Page took in response to the St Louis County Council rejecting Page’s appointment of former County Executive Charlie Dooley to the in February of this year (2022).  This is just another example of a long line of instances of Comrade Sam Page ignoring the will of the people of St. Louis County, the St. Louis County Council, the State of Missouri (via state law passed by the General Assembly and the Attorney General Eric Schmitt), and/or the Courts in St. Louis County and across the State of Missouri for the past two years. Sam Page has acted like he is totally above the law and the passage of St Louis County Charter Amendment Proposition V will send yet another strong rebuking message to Comrade Sam Page that you have to follow the law.

This will be the second time in 2022 since the April 5th Municipal election when just over 61% of St. Louis County voters voted on St. Louis County Charter Amendment Proposition B, which told Comrade Sam Page in no uncertain terms that as St Louis County Executive (CE) he cannot have a second job outside of being the CE.  What makes this such a strong message that was sent in the April election regarding St Louis County Charter Amendment Proposition B at the time was that the majority of voters in St. Louis County are registered Democrats and that means that the 61%+ who voted for St Louis County Charter Amendment Proposition B comprised of Republicans, Democrats, AND Independents who are absolutely fed up with Comrade Sam Page and his antics. For the reasons stated above, the Big B Files recommendation is to vote yes on St Louis County Charter Amendment Proposition V.

Let us now look at some of the Races for Elected office at the local, state, and federal levels in Missouri of note. First, let’s begin with the primary race for St. Louis County Executive.

The race for St Louis County Executive has gained Statewide and national attention for one reason which can be spelled out with two words……Sam Page. Comrade Sam Page has pretty much behaved like a third world tyrant and dictator thinking the rules and laws apply to everyone else but him. The Big B Files and others have well documented over the last 2 years numerous examples of comrade San page shutting down and destroying small businesses, destroying people's lives, Etc etcetera via his mandates/ edicts.. while at the same time repeatedly being caught on camera violating the very same mandate/edicts he forces we the people of St Louis County to follow. Along with Tishuara Jones in St Louis city and  Illinois JB Pritzker, Comrade Sam Page has often thumbed his nose at the St Louis County Council, the Missouri General Assembly (especially after the passage of House Bill 271), Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmidt and the Missouri court system inside and outside of St Louis County

The only time Comrade Sam Page has ever backed down is when we the people forced him to via the ballot measures, Court action via lawsuits (regardless of whether our side one or lost the lawsuit), or legislative action along with mass protests. Comrade same page has managed to pretty much take off just about everybody in St Louis County including what has been the core constituency for Democrats in St Louis County which is the black community. You know is definitely not good when someone like Sam page has ticked off the black community so bad that there are people actually working to defeat him in the elections this year.

We the people need to stand up and tell people like Comrades Sam Page, Tishuara Jones and JB Pritzger that we are NOT going to take this overreaching tyranny anymore that has resulted in the destruction of so many lives and livelihoods, and assert our rights as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, stand up to tyrannical folks like you…..and fight back.

We will get two chances this year to do just that and remove Comrade Sam Page from office once and for all.. with the August second primary will be our first chance to do so.  Local Attorney and radio host and attorney Jane Dueker in the August Primary Election is running against Comrade Sam Page for the Democrat nomination for St Louis County Executive to run against the likely Republican nominee MO State Rep. Shamed Dogan, while the Big B Files doesn’t support so called “crossover voting”, my Recommendation is to vote for Jane Dueker for the Democrat Primary on August 2nd.

In the Race for U.S. Congress for the 2nd Congressional District, I am endorsing and urging everyone to Vote for Paul Berry III in  the Republican Primary Election on August 2nd. Current Congresswoman Ann Wagner has for all intents and purposes turned her back on us for the last two years in our fight against the tyranny being imposed o Honest by people like comrades Sam page, Comrade Tishuara Jones, and others … not once stand up for our rights and against this tyranny we have had to endure these last 2 years.  She never supported former President Trump and recently, Rep. Ann Wagner was one of the 47 Republicans who voted for The Respect for Marriage Act repeals the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act AND prohibits individual states from recognizing the traditional definition of marriage as a union between one man and one woman (you can read the Blaze Story about it by clicking here).

Ann Wagner has turned her back on traditional marriage.  Did I forget to mention that she's Catholic. Paul Berry III has stood up for our rights consistently…..

Whether it is by representing us in front of the Saint Louis County Council to participating and/or leaving protests over the unconstitutional mask mandates by comrade Sam page and others , Going on TV and radio getting the word out about what is really going on In regards to these mandates etc. from people like Comrades Sam Page, Nancy Pelosi, et cetera … even taking on Sam page in an election for County Executive..... Paul Barry III has done that and more and totally deserves the Big B Files recommendation and endorsement for his race for Congress for the 2nd congressional district.. In no uncertain terms, is definitely time for Anne Wagner to go!

In the race for United States Senate, there are a dozen candidates for the GOP nomination for the race for Senate.    Currently, former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens maintains a lead in the polls and has been under constant attack ever since he announced that he would vote to oust Mitch McConnell as Majority Leader last year.

The latest attack and attack ads involve Sheena Greitens, ex-wife of former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens accusing him of physically and emotionally abusing their children during their nine-year marriage in a sworn affidavit even though Sheena Greitens filed a sworn affidavit in 2020 saying (according to The Gateway Pundit) “that she had disclosed all material facts relevant to the welfare of her sons”.

It should be noted that everybody is still waiting for President Donald Trump to make an endorsement in the race for US Senate from Missouri. With all that aside, I believe that Eric Greitens is the best person to take on the DC Swamp and actually Represent our Conservative and pro-life values in Washington D.C.

I believe that another candidate in the race for US Senate, current Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmidt, should no longer be in the race but instead remain as Missouri's Attorney General where I believe he is in the right place at the right time taking on people like Comrades Sam Page and Tishuara Jones and others that want to thumb their noses that we the people.  We haven’t had such a tough fighter that belongs in the Attorney General position than Eric Schmitt and my Recommendation is to vote for former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens in the Republican Primary for U.S. Senate on August 2nd.

.……And that’s the Big B Files.  Click on the comments link below and tell me what you think……I’m Bryan V. Hewing.

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